Mountainview Family, 


When I can find enough time to slow down and actually think about Christmas, I can get pretty emotional. This year, it’s been easier to avoid thinking about Christmas in any meaningful way because 2020 has been so strange. Through my pastor’s eyes, I’ve seen more clearly and felt more deeply the realities of living in a fallen, dark world than at any other time in my life. 


It’s not a pretty picture. This year unity has been threatened in ways I never expected. People are arguing and fighting about anything and everything. They aren’t just disagreeing, they’re being disagreeable. COVID and the intense political climate have given the enemy a wedge to divide us. I’ve seen more sickness and death around me than ever. Literally millions across the globe have been sick and hundreds of thousands have died. The physical needs caused by unemployment and continuing social isolation are overwhelming, which has contributed to deep and wide spread loneliness and depression.  


So what does all this mean to me? It means I need to slow down and really think about Christmas. I need to search out its reasons for hope and peace. I need to let the deep and wonderful truths of Christmas be my fuel to move past the hard things of 2020. I’m guessing you’re feeling a lot like me, so I invite you to slow down and consider... 


Christmas reminds me...

  • The invisible (God), has become visible.  

  • The birth of Jesus is history-altering, life-transforming, and paradigm-shifting.

  • Jesus came as Light to the chaotic darkness of the world. 

  • Jesus’ coming to earth brought permanent defeat of darkness. Any victory of the enemy is temporary. 

  • Jesus came to earth, lived a life I should have lived, and died a death I should have died, so I can live a joyful life for Him.

  • That through Jesus, I can have insight into who God is - I can see Him weep, I can see Him be angry, I can see Him down and exalted - I can see Him sacrifice. 

  • That I can know what God did for me. He came all this way to become one of us. 

  • That I can have a genuine, personal relationship with Jesus.

Now let’s do one more thing. Let’s slowly and thoughtfully re-read the above list. Let’s take time to allow ourselves to feel the emotions that Christmas can and should bring… 


See you Sunday! There are still seats available for our in-person gathering this Sunday morning at 9:00 and 10:40am. You can register at



As I said in last week’s email, when it comes to our church’s generosity, I am continually awestruck. You have done it again! We ask and you respond. Your response makes such a significant impact in the lives of people around us. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you! 


Christmas Offering: For the past several years, we’ve asked you to consider giving an above-and-beyond Harvest or Christmas offering. We have used this offering to fund our local missions and student scholarships. Would you consider participating with a gift again this year?  

If you are able and willing to contribute an above-and-beyond gift, make sure it is marked “Christmas Offering” so it will be correctly recorded. 


Year End General Fund Giving: Please make note that year end giving to Mountainview’s General Fund must be to the finance office by 4:00pm on Wednesday, December 30th to be recorded for the year 2020. 



Our ministry team is getting creative in order to provide as many opportunities as possible for you and your family to participate in whatever format works best for you, as described below.  


In Person Gathering: We will be accepting registrations for up to 100 people for two in-person gatherings at 5:30 and 7:00pm. Registration is open now. We are prepared to add additional in-person gatherings if registrations exceed our 100-person capacity for the two times. 


Online: Our Christmas Eve gathering will stream online at 2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30. On our website, simply click on the Christmas Eve tab and select the time you and your family choose. Our gathering will be about one hour long. You can plan to share in communion and candle lighting. 



Christmas Eve: 8:00am-4:00pm

Christmas Day: Office Closed

December 28-30: Office Open from 9:00am to 1:00pm

New Years Eve: Office Closed

New Years Day: Office Closed


Merry Christmas!

Pastor Tom

