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Mountainview Family,


I don’t need to tell you how different, hard, and just plain weird things are these days. We all have been affected in many ways. I’ve had too many conversations with people recently who told me they are tired, annoyed, and frustrated with the whole thing. I think we can all agree that life is hard right now... 


My greatest concern for the church family God has led me to serve is our relationship with Jesus. It’s way too easy to distance ourselves from God when times are difficult, when our comforts are invaded, and when our privilege is threatened. I have a question for you… In 2020, are you either closer to Jesus or further from Him? It is practically impossible to remain the same and be status quo. As I have prayed, prayed again, and prayed still more for God’s guidance, I have felt His repeated reminders to keep pointing us back to Jesus. 


I’m grateful for the arrival of the Christmas season, because it’s easier now to focus our eyes and hearts on Jesus instead of the turmoil around us. For all of us who call Jesus our Lord, Christmas is a time of comfort, peace, and joy. Sadly, for many, it is anything but comfort, peace and joy, because they don’t know Him. May I remind us that Comfort, Peace and Joy have a Name - His Name is Jesus, and He lives in us. May we all want the world to know, through us, the deep and powerful meaning of His coming to earth. 


It’s certain that this Christmas will be different from years past. However, we can still shine the light of Jesus. We can still make Jesus known to our family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. How can we do that? 


First, don’t be a scrooge. Just because things are different, hard, and frustratingly uncomfortable, that doesn’t give us a license to be a grump. When we’re tempted to “let the world have it!”, instead, let the thoughts of Jesus on the cross - in our place - be a bold reminder about what our attitudes should be, even when we’re “just done”... 


Second, purposely share Jesus. Here are some suggestions about how to share the Light in 2020:

  • Spend more time praying for people who don’t know Jesus. We all have family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers who are far from Jesus. Pray for them individually by name.

  • Find creative ways to tell your Jesus story. Use Christmas cards and letters to share about Him and the ways He has helped you this year.

  • Find the courage to boldly tell somebody that Jesus is the greatest gift ever given. Be prepared to share what this means to you. 

  • Give a thoughtful gift to your non-believing family members, co-workers and neighbors. Include something that reveals your belief in Jesus. 

  • Do something kind for someone. Offer to shop for someone who is isolated. Buy a tank of gas for someone. Volunteer to babysit for a tired, stressed-out mom. Send a card to someone serving overseas. 

  • Participate in our Mountainview Virtual Giving Tree. This helps people in need and families who have lost employment this year. 


Third, find ways to be thankful, no matter what. Paul’s advice to the Thessalonian Christians was simple, “ everything give thanks.” Let’s do that... 


Christmas at Mountainview

We are providing several ways to celebrate Christmas. Take a look at Mountainview’s social media pages or YouTube channels for a daily story read by our Kids Ministry volunteers and an Advent daily challenge. Even if you don’t have Facebook or Instagram, you can use the links provided below and still participate as our pages are public. 


There will be more information to come about our Christmas Eve gatherings next week. 


Christmas Generosity

If you haven’t done so already, please consider participating in our Virtual Giving Tree. Currently, we have a list of 51 families (170 children) we would like to help provide Christmas for. Thank you if you’ve already “taken” a tag. If not, please grab a tag or two by accessing the Virtual Giving Tree at  


Hopefully, we’ve made it easy for you to participate. You can drop off gifts at the church office during the week, or deliver them during our drive through drop-off times, or have them shipped directly to the church. All of this is explained on our website. 


Drive thru drop-off:

  • Sunday 12/06          1:00 – 3:00pm

  • Wednesday 12/09   6:00 – 8:00pm


I’m excited to share this Sunday about another Name of Jesus: Wonderful Counselor. Please plan to join us here, there or anywhere at 9:00 or 10:40am on Sunday. 


Grace & Peace!

Pastor Tom