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Christmas Generosity

It is Mountainview’s constant desire to find ways to be the Light of Jesus to our community. One of the ways we have had a significant impact locally is through our generosity in November and December. For the past few years we have provided an opportunity for families referred to us by our local elementary schools who might not be in a position to provide Christmas for their kids. This effort has had an impact in our community and our hope is that it will continue and grow.


We have had several discussions about the way COVID will affect what we do in regard to our generosity program this year. I’m thankful that the leaders of this opportunity have come up with innovative ways to serve the people who live around our church building. 


So here’s what we are going to do. Available now on our church website,, church family members can go to the Virtual Community Giving Tree page, where everyone will be able to “take a tag” virtually. There are three sections. (1) Section one gives you the option to buy a gift for a boy or girl and choose the age you would like to buy for. (2) Section two is for stocking stuffers, where you can select stocking stuffers for a boy or girl and their age. (3) Section three is for book donations. In all three sections, follow the instructions to choose your preferences. You will receive a confirmation email after you submit your choices. 


Once you have purchased the gift(s), please clearly mark them and bring them (unwrapped) to the church. We will begin collecting gifts on November 29th. All gifts need to be to the church building by December 10th. Our “pandemic-safe” drop off times are Sunday, November 29th and Sunday, December 6th from 1pm-3pm and Wednesday, December 2nd and Wednesday, December 9th from 6:00-8:00pm.


At this time there are 40 families with 133 kids that have been referred to us for help. Again, please plan to participate in this with us. This is a great opportunity and fun way to practice generosity with your family.

If you would like more information or have questions, please feel free to email Lisa Simms, our project leader and coordinator:


We are planning to have one additional opportunity to practice generosity this Christmas. More information will be coming soon. 


Sunday Gatherings

About the time we began to get into a new rhythm, things changed. As you are aware, there were some adjustments to the gathering recommendations from the Oregon Health Authority and the Governor’s office. Because we have honored the requirements and recommendations from the Governor’s previous orders, the Oregon Health Authority, and Multnomah County Health Department, we will not need to make any major changes. 


We will continue to limit our “in-house” capacity and provide our online experience at both 9:00 and 10:40am. 


We are making preparations to provide space for the recommended number of people using separate entrances and exits, and no shared facilities, hallways or enclosed spaces. We will continue to practice social distancing, wearing masks, and following health guidelines for preparation and cleaning. As before, we ask that you not come to a group meeting or Sunday gathering if you have any cold or flu symptoms. 


With the additional safety measures, please only register if you are fully committed to being present at the time you request. Once you’ve registered, you will receive email confirmation. If we have reached capacity, you will not be able to register as registration will be closed.  


Pre-registration is required and opens every Thursday at 9:00am. Pre-registration will close at midnight each Saturday or when capacity is reached. You can register online by going to


We will wrap up our BE ABOUT IT series this Sunday by examining some more of Jesus’ parables, where He makes some pretty clear statements for those of us who follow Him.